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Follow-up: Starvation as a Method of Warfare – Is There a Silver Lining Somewhere?

Starvation as a Method of Warfare – As Old as War Itself, Outlawed but Deadly Popular and Creatively Used We left this discussion in June last year with a lot of food for thought. Although as humanitarians we are crises-hardened none of us expected such a culmination of emergencies and conflicts in the months that… continue

Follow-up: Has the Humanitarian Imperative become more or less imperative – (if such is possible)?

We left ´the 6th Humanitarina Congress Vienna with a lot of food for thought. Although as humanitarians we are crises-hardened none of us expected such a culmination of emergencies and conflicts in the months that followed and thus the increasing relevance of the topics we addressed that day in June.  In the follow-up to our… continue

Follow-up: We must adapt and innovate – while staying true to our core principles

In the follow-up to our discussions at the Humanitarian Congress 2023 we want to look anew at some of the issues we discussed. Thus we asked two of the panellists, Ronja Berner, and  Bianca Ernst, for their opinion on the following: Is our thinking on humanitarian principles now outdated? What will the youth expect for… continue

Follow-up: Starvation as a Method of Warfare – As Old as War Itself, Outlawed but Deadly Popular and Creatively Used

We all got to know Prof. de Waal during last years conference as a key note speaker for the panel “Hunger as a Weapon – “As Old as War Itself, Outlawed but Deadly Popular and Creatively Used”. Nobody of us could then foresee how to the point the then quesions were and how much darker… continue

Forgotten Crises – The Suffering Continues

At HuCo 2023, the panel “Forgotten Crises – Forgotten Suffering” addressed the question of how to overcome disproportionalities in the access to humanitarian aid? How to ensure adherence to the principle of impartiality? What changes are needed from politicians and humanitarian stakeholders to minimize inequities in the provision of humanitarian aid? The lively discussion concluded… continue

Hunger as a Weapon – The Disregard of Humanitarian Principles in Gaza

Alex de Waal found clear words on hunger as a weapon at HuCo2023. Using examples from history and supplemented by current developments in South Sudan, Ethiopia and Ukraine, as keynote speaker on the panel “Starvation as a Method of Warfare”, he demonstrated what remains true despite numerous efforts to outlaw in international law: “Starvation can… continue

Nicht verhandelbar – Der humanitäre Imperativ

Kongress-Nachlese Am 16. Juni fand im Festsaal der Universität Wien wie in der letzten Ausgabe angekündigt, der 6. Humanitarian Congress Vienna statt. Impulsreferate aus Politik und Wissenschaft sowie international besetzte Diskussionspanels kreisten diesmal unter dem Titel ‚non negotiable‘ um den humanitären Imperativ und die humanitären Prinzipien, die in einem Spannungsfeld der auf Krisen und Konflikte… continue

When Nature Strikes Back – Humanitarian Aid in Times of Climate Change

Summary of the panel keynote given by Prof. Adil Najam That climate is no longer a future issue is one of the many important statements in Prof. Najam´s keynote speech on 16 June at the Humanitarian Congress Vienna. Many of you asked us for an opportunity to read up on his presentation again. As Prof…. continue

Speeches and Contributions – Enjoy the read

Some of the congress highlights were the speeches and contributions opening the day and the particular panels. In case you missed them or you simply want to reread them you are invited to do so by visiting and/or downloading the following document…. continue

Cover of the conclusions paper

Conclusions and Recommendations – Humanitarian action is non-negotiable

What are the recommendations the organisations behind the 6th Humanitarian Congress Vienna propose to prevent or alleviate human suffering caused by accelerating consequences of the climate crises, disasters, armed conflicts and deepening food insecurity? What conclusions must be drawn to bolster the humanitarian imperative and the humanitarian principles, the non-negotiable foundations of humanitarian action? Check… continue