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6. Humanitärer Kongress Wien: Mehr als Nächstenliebe – Humanitäre Hilfe ist ein Menschenrecht

Presseaussendung – Rund 250 Gäste verfolgen heute Diskussionen über die ‚Unverhandelbarkeit‘ Humanitärer Hilfe, die durch die globale Krisenspirale zusätzlich unter Druck gerät die vier humanitären Prinzipen Menschlichkeit, Unparteilichkeit, Neutralität und Unabhängigkeit bildet. Doch verschärft die globale Krisenspirale die Bedingungen, unter denen internationale Hilfsorganisationen Humanitäre Hilfe leisten. Um Verstößen gegen internationales humanitäres Recht – die etwa… continue

Food For Thought – Humanitarian Aid and Future Generations – How can social work guarantee humanitarian aid in the future?

A presentation by Madlen Behrle and Lorenz Harderer Good evening everybody, I hope you had a wonderful day so far here at the Humanitarian Congress. Thank you for the warm introduction Professor Schubert. My Name is Madlen Behrle. I am a 26-year-old social worker from Vorarlberg, Austria. Currently I am doing my master’s degree in… continue

Food For Thought – Triple Nexus, The Case of Afghanistan, Presentation by Toby Lanzer

Since 2017 Toby Lanzer is the Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), where he also serves as United Nations Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). On Friday Mr. Lanzer contributed very valuable and also critical insights and experiences regarding the interrelations of humanitarian… continue

Humanitarian Aid and Future Generations – Panellists Selected

It has been a new and exciting journey for the organisers of the Humanitarian Congress Vienna to develop and implement the „Humanitarian Aid and Future Generation“ panel idea.  We would like to use the opportunity to thank all our  university partners  for supporting our call for applications and for their enthusiasm for the matter of… continue

If I had three wishes … by Harry Eyres

Whether we like it or not, the US remains the richest and most powerful country on earth and the one many look to for leadership in the pursuance of broadly humanitarian goals. America’s recent turn away from international treaties and even from the idea of a rules-based international order, initiated by an amoral President who… continue

9 November 1938 – 9 November 2018

We cannot deny the horrors of the past or the present. But as Kant reminds us: … however uncertain I may be and may remain as to whether we can hope for anything better for mankind, this uncertainty cannot detract from the maxim I have adopted, or from the necessity of assuming for practical purposes… continue

President of Austria has confirmed the patronage of the 5th Humanitarian Congress Vienna

We are very proud to announce that the 5th Humanitarian Congress Vienna will be held under the patronage of Alexander Van der Bellen, Federal President of the Republic of Austria, which is a great acknowledgment for our efforts to increase the visibility of humanitarian work and to raise awareness for the relevance of humanitarian aid…. continue

4. Humanitärer Kongress Wien: Unser Resümee

Flucht und Vertreibung – eine globale Realität: Derzeit sind mehr als 65 Millionen Menschen weltweit auf der Flucht. Rund 80 Prozent der Vertriebenen suchen Schutz in ihrer Heimatregion; von jenen, die diese verlassen, versucht nur ein Bruchteil, Europa zu erreichen. Insofern handelt es sich um ein globales Phänomen und eine Herausforderung, die Europa nur am… continue

4th Humanitarian Congress Vienna: What we take away from this congress

Flight and displacement: a global reality. At present, more than 65 million people worldwide are on the run. About 80 percent of displaced people seek shelter in their home regions and only a fraction of those who leave their countries try to make it as far as Europe. On that note, it is a global… continue

“Eternally owned is but what´s lost!”

With this quote by Ibsen we would like to let you know that #huco2017 in pictures is online now See under menu ARCHIVE /2017/Photo Gallery or follow the link: #huco2017 in pictures        … continue