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Could aid to Syrians be prolonging the war?

The humanitarian effort is well funded, efficient, and undoubtedly saving lives — but critics worry that it has a dark side: “Aid groups always face criticism in conflicts and natural disasters, the most piercing often from within their own ranks. But in Syria, the relatively effective technical response has intensified the focus on the political… continue

Two authors, two views: does aid fuel conflict?

Linda Polman, author of “War Games, the Story of Aid and War in Modern Time”, and Fiona Terry, author of Condemned to Repeat”, talk about the Paradox of Humanitarian Aid and share their different views on whether aid further fuels conflicts in their interviews with the RCRC:    … continue

Social Media infographic about disaster response

Nice Graphics about Humanitarian response through Social Media. (Source: unknown)… continue

Technology Innovation Day in Humanitarian Aid field

Aid organizations are constantly developing new solutions to identified problems to enhance provision of humanitarian relief. Similarly, innovation drives private organizations as they seek to be better and more effective than before. Technology Innovation Day seeks to enable key parties to discover what innovative solutions are out there, that can support humanitarian objectives. It seeks… continue

Humanitarianism in the network age

Humanitarianism in the network age including world humanitarian data & trends 2012 Here is a good overview about network age impact on humanitarian Aid. A report related to our panel discussion: What’s App: Innovation and New Technologies Improving the Effectiveness of Humanitarian Action – Myth or Fact? It focuses on organizations that are embracing changes… continue

An Innovative way of Humanitarian Assistance using Mobile Money Transfer in Bangladesh

An Innovative way of Humanitarian Assistance using Mobile Money Transfer in Bangladesh By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube… continue

Innovative Use of Technology for Humanitarian Media Aid – Internews Network

In 2010, Internews Network committed to deepening the innovative use of new technologies in its future emergency and humanitarian media response programs, enabling disaster-affected populations better access to humanitarian media information. By introducing these technologies to areas with a higher perceived risk prior to either a disease outbreak or natural disaster, its goal is to… continue

One more tragedy and the biggest loss of life since the European Union took over patrols in the Mediterranean in January

The latest tragedy in the Mediterranean – in which as many as 300 migrants are feared dead after trying to cross rough seas from Libya to Italy in inflatable rafts — has reignited debate over Europe’s response to the migrant crisis. Late Sunday, two Italian Coast Guard patrol boats braved gale force winds and 25-foot… continue

Risks of the Network Age

The Network Age offers a range of opportunities to humanitarian organizations, but there are also several risks which are described in the paper “Humanitarianism in the Network Age”: Accuracy and Utility If the basic data is wrong, the decisions based on the analysis of that data will reflect those errors and can lead to incorrect… continue

Opportunities to humanitarianism of the Network Age

(source: Humanitarianism in the Networking Age) The networking age offers a variety of opportunities to humanitarianism, but what kind of risks does it pose?… continue