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Background Information

The following list of background documents present resolutions, policies, new ideas, research results and personal insights. Please note that the list below does not claim to be complete and is meant to provide a basic framework to shape reflections, analysis and discussions: Background Documents Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees (Geneva Convention)… continue

Review 2016 – Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe

In preparation of the 4th Humanitarian Congress in the News Blog under “Review 2016” you´ll be introduced by the Humanitarian Congress host organisations to their engagements and results of 2016, and the critical questions they faced. We start with the contribution of  Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe…. continue

New HRW Article on Refugees With Disabilities

“Greece: Refugees with Disabilities Overlooked Underserved”, read this interesting Human Rights Watch Article or discuss with us on Panel 6 “Leaving No One Behind – A Mission Impossible?  … continue

Volker Türk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, UNHCR

It gives us great pleasure to announce that Mr. Volker Türk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, UNHCR, will deliver the Opening Speech and be a panellist at the 4th Humanitarian Congress Vienna. You certainly want to benefit from his insights, so register under… continue

Lesetipps / Reading tips

This is the time of the year for reading and reflecting. In the following, please find some recommendations in this respect: Articles: „The crisis of multilateralism and the future of humanitarian action“ People On War Books: Shida Bazyar Nachts ist es leise in Teheran ’’The story of a family between revolution, flight and… continue

International Human Rights Day – Support of the Health Care in Danger initiative

On the occasion of International Human Rights Day the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), together with other organizations – among them Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) -, speaks out in support of the Health Care in Danger initiative. The initiative calls for wounded… continue

Fleeing Human Rights

Human rights are for everybody everywhere! We know it, yet we tend to forget. Perhaps we even want to forget sometimes. We know that tourists are protected by our criminal laws. We know that tourists are protected against discrimination, we know that they have freedom of religion. But this does not occupy us a lot…. continue

How to treat HIV in a migrant population

Providing long-term treatment is a challenge when the patients are migrants on the move. A model of treatment tested in southern Africa shows how patients’ mobility can be integrated into health services…. continue

Extracts of Paul Conneally’s speech at #huco2015

Extract of Paul Conneally’s speech at Panel discussion : “What’s App: Innovation and New Technologies Improving the Effectiveness” Keynote Speech of Paul Conneally Head of Communication, International Telecommunication Union “Prepaid electricity is one of the biggest gain change that could happen in Africa in the next years… …It is now possible for humanitarian and developmental… continue