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4th Humanitarian Congress Vienna: What we take away from this congress

Flight and displacement: a global reality. At present, more than 65 million people worldwide are on the run. About 80 percent of displaced people seek shelter in their home regions and only a fraction of those who leave their countries try to make it as far as Europe. On that note, it is a global… continue

“Eternally owned is but what´s lost!”

With this quote by Ibsen we would like to let you know that #huco2017 in pictures is online now See under menu ARCHIVE /2017/Photo Gallery or follow the link: #huco2017 in pictures        … continue

Food for Thought – Panel Keynote Speech “Refugee Health – Time for Change” by Tammam Alloudat, Deputy Medical Director, MSF, Operational Centre Geneva

Keynote Speech on Refugee Health in Vienna Humanitarian Congress 3 March 2017 Tammam Aloudat – MSF Switzerland Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you on behalf of MSF. If I remember it right, in one of his stories, Gabriel Garcia Marquez describes a character, a Spanish professor exiled… continue

Food for Thought – Panel Keynote Speaker “Why Are People Forced to Flee?”, by Sara Pantuliano, Managing Director, ODI

Please find below the notes based on which Sara Pantuliano, Managing Director, ODI, made  her Panel Keynote Speech on the panel “Why are People Forced to Flee?” Vienna Humanitarian Congress – ‘Why are people forced to flee?’  Increase in forced displacement Forced displacement has become a major and growing global concern. It has grown rapidly… continue

Humanitarian Congress Vienna 2017 – Moments & Impressions

The Humanitarian Congress Vienna was a day full of impressions and strong moments that invited its participants to discuss and communicate!     Fotocredits: Globale Verantwortung Photographers:  Ayham G Youssef, Holly Kellner … continue

International Women’s Day – Some of the female faces of the 4th Humanitarian Congress Vienna

EU – Libya Deal – HuCo panellists interviewed by ORF news programme ZIB 1

On Friday the panel discussion  “The New EU-Libya Deal – A Reality Check” explored the consequences of the new European Union – Libya deal.  See the remarks from Volker Türk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, UNHCR, Yves Daccord, Director General of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Marian Benbow Pfistere, Head of the International Organization for Migraiton (IOM) Country… continue

Big data, satellites and technology for refugees on the go

 As the situation involving the movement and undetermined status of a large number of fleeing people continues to unfold outside and within Europe, complex challenges are posed in the determination of migration trends, flows and rates. European countries need precise information in order to be prepared and to properly help refugees. The most recent technologies… continue

Life and death in the Mediterranean

In November 2016 41-year old physician Michael Kühnel from Vienna was part of the medical team aboard the Red Cross rescue ship „Responder“ in the Mediterranean. Refugees from conflict zones receive a medical check-up, blankets, food and clothes „Last night alone we rescued more than 120 persons and provided medical aid “,Kühnel says. „At first,… continue

Zehn Krisen, von denen Sie 2016 nicht gehört haben

Die internationale Hilfsorganisation CARE weist in einem Bericht auf jene zehn humanitären Krisen und Naturkatastrophen hin, die im vergangenen Jahr die geringste Berichterstattung erhalten haben. Laut dem Bericht „Suffering in Silence: The 10 most underreported crises in 2016“ bilden die Nahrungskrisen in Eritrea, Madagaskar, Nordkorea und Papuaneuguinea, Konflikte in Burundi, der Tschadsee-Region, demokratischen Republik Kongo,… continue