4th Humanitarian Congress Keynote address byVolker Türk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection Vienna, 3 March 2017 We live in a world of profound contradictions, perhaps nowhere more apparent than in today’s refugee contexts. Refugees are in some ways a microcosm of our world. They reveal how we are increasingly interdependent – how the… continue
Keynote Speech on Refugee Health in Vienna Humanitarian Congress 3 March 2017 Tammam Aloudat – MSF Switzerland Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you on behalf of MSF. If I remember it right, in one of his stories, Gabriel Garcia Marquez describes a character, a Spanish professor exiled… continue
Please find below the notes based on which Sara Pantuliano, Managing Director, ODI, made her Panel Keynote Speech on the panel “Why are People Forced to Flee?” Vienna Humanitarian Congress – ‘Why are people forced to flee?’ Increase in forced displacement Forced displacement has become a major and growing global concern. It has grown rapidly… continue
The Humanitarian Congress Vienna is greatly honoured to be able to announce that the Federal President of Austria, Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen, has taken over the honorary patronage of the 4th Humanitarian Congress Vienna. A good tradition can be continued! … continue
Katastrophenhilfe ist oft ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit. Die rasche Versorgung von Menschen, die durch Wirbelstürme oder Erdbeben alles verloren haben oder zwischen den Fronten versuchen, ihre Familie Tag für Tag über die Runden zu bringen, entscheidet über Leben und Tod. Dann geht es darum Lebensmittel, Trinkwasser oder Zelte möglichst rasch in die Krisenregion zu… continue
Human displacement in contemporary art. What is the role of art, and what are the risks and challenges? Discuss with Tanja Boukal on 3 March 2017 Learn more about Tanja Boukal in the following article (Financial Times, August 19, 2016 by: Maya Jaggi) : A new art show on the frontline of the refugee crisis… continue
Seit März 2011 mussten rund 4,8 Millionen Menschen wegen des anhaltenden Krieges aus Syrien flüchten, während 6,5 Millionen Menschen innerhalb Syriens auf der Flucht sind. Drei Viertel der Flüchtenden sind Frauen und Kinder. 1,2 Millionen Menschen haben dabei auf der Flucht Europa auf dem Seeweg erreicht. Die Mehrzahl der Menschen kam auf dem zentralen Mittelmeerweg… continue
Syria Aid 2016: A drop in the ocean? They were all over the media, they went under our skin: Pictures of refugees from Syria. Men, women, children, babies: People on the run from war, violence, poverty, searching for a new beginning. Since 2006, Hilfswerk Austria International helps the people in Syria’s neighboring country Lebanon. Humanitarian… continue
In preparation of the 4th Humanitarian Congress in the News Blog under “Review 2016” you´ll be introduced by the Humanitarian Congress host organisations to their engagements and results of 2016, and the critical questions they faced. We start with the contribution of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe…. continue
“Greece: Refugees with Disabilities Overlooked Underserved”, read this interesting Human Rights Watch Article or discuss with us on Panel 6 “Leaving No One Behind – A Mission Impossible? https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/01/18/greece-refugees-disabilities-overlooked-underserved … continue