Kathrin Schick has more than 30 years of experience in international cooperation, with a main focus on the EU. Since 2001, she is the Director of VOICE, the network, bringing together 86 European NGOs active in humanitarian aid worldwide. She worked in Norwegian international organizations, as well as for the Directorate for Immigration of Norway, focusing on refugee issues and programs in Latin America. In the field she was Protection Officer for the UNHCR and consultant for CARE International. As Deputy Secretary General of the SOLIDAR network, she worked for seven years mainly on EU development policies, education campaigns and the International Labour Standards. She was a member of the Regional Steering Committee for the first ever World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, has been a member of Boards and committees such as Sphere and ALNAP and lectures for Humanitarian Masters Programmes. Her educational background is in Social Anthropology and Business Administration from Oslo University, Norway