Dr.phil Regula Staempfli is a Swiss born Political Philosopher who lectures on Digital Democracy, teaches European Studies, Democratic Theory, Political Design and Hannah Arendt in Zurich, St. Gallen, Cologne, Brussels and Paris. The well known publicists was elected 2016 among the 100 most influential buisiness women in Switzerland. Staempfli is the co-initiator of the European Citizens´s Initiative and still works as an independent expert for the European Union. She is a board member of Swissfuture – Society for Future Studies. In her new book (october 2018) “Trumpism. A new phenomenon conquers the world” Staempfli desconstructs “Selfism” and “Fakes” in global and national media and in the current political discourse. She also explores new policies and strategies on how to fill the existing undemocratic gap between fiction and reality in current media, politics and policies.
Homepage: www.regulastaempfli.eu