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Investing in Humanity

Keynote speaker:  Christina Bennett    Moderator: Bernhard Wrabetz
Panel members: Franck BousquetChristina Bennett, 
H.E.  Vivian Nwunaku Rose Okeke Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel, Riya Saxena


The World Humanitarian Summit 2016 in Istanbul launched an urgent call to action for adequate political, institutional and financial investments in order to ensure the provision of effective humanitarian aid.
Yet, three years later, significant improvements concerning the mobilisation, allocation and use of resources are still needed. More than 132 million people are still in desperate need of humanitarian aid. Will particular methods such as forecast based financing, grass root savings, cash transfer programming or impact financing help to close the financial gap in the forthcoming years? How can we ensure that resources are available to the diverse actors, including local actors, who are often best placed to meet and reduce people’s needs? How can new financing sources and models be identified, new methods, new accountability? How can financial flows for humanitarian aid become more efficient between states?