Brigadier-General Mag. Thomas Starlinger was born on 27. January 1963. After graduating from the Military Academy in 1985 he served as Company Commander, InfoOps Officer at Regiment level and as teacher for Political Affairs at the Academy for Non Commissioned Officers.
After his General Staff Officers Course (1997 – 2000) he was appointed to the Territorial Command in Carinthia and thereafter he served as Chief of Staff & Deputy Brigade Commander of the 7th Infantry Brigade. From 2003 to the end of 2005 he was deployed to Brussels where he was responsible for short to long term Force Development – at first in the EU-Military Staff and thereafter within the European Defence Agency.
Since Jan 2008 he commands the 7th Infantry Brigade, which consists of 6 Battalions and has a strength of approx. 3.700 soldiers.
Brigadier-General Starlinger was engaged in several Overseas Missions in Syria, Iran, Cyprus, Tajikistan and Kosovo. During his command in Kosovo, he tried, together with regional players (IOs, NGOs, local administration), to operationalize the comprehensive approach.