After a doctorate in Mathematics from the University of Tübingen
and working for many years as lecturer for Mathematics in Germany,
Belgium and Hongkong, Ulrike von Pilar joined UNHCR in Hongkong
in 1988 as Education Coordinator for the boat people camps.
In 1991, she started work with Médecins sans Frontières (MSF)
in Brussels and in 1993 cofounded the German section of MSF and
became MSF’s Founding President.
From 1997 till 2005, she served as Executive Director of MSF
in Germany. After coordinating a one-year movement wide reflection
process on the challenges for MSF International, she has worked
for two years as Head of Mission in Malawi in an HIV/Aids project.
She is currently working as Humanitarian Advisor, MSF Germany.
Panel 2013
Women, Girls, Boys and Men – Different Needs, Equal Opportunities?