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Kanokporn Kaojaroen

Migration and Health Technical Officer, WHO


Kanokporn (Jum) Kaojaroen is Migration and Health Officer at the Department of Service Delivery & Safety, coordinating WHO work on migration and health since April 2016. Jum has worked in refugee health programes since 1984 at the subnational, national, regional and HQ levels. She has worked with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), UNHCR and WHO, serving refugee populations in Bangladesh, Jordan, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sudan, and Thailand. From 2003 to 2008, she worked at the WHO Country Office in Myanmar, initially as a Technical Officer for HIV/AIDS. She later moved to establish the Communicable Diseases Surveillance and Response (CSR) Unit at the WHO and also served as a UN Coordinator for Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response, coordinating the UN Country Team on this subject.  Jum then moved to join the Global Influenza Programme at HQ and worked at the office of the Assistant Director General for Health Security and Emergency Response (HSE), for the implementation of the Global Response Plan during the 2009 Influenza pandemic. From 2013-2014, Jum worked at UNHCR in Pakistan to develop a 5-year strategic plan for the Afghan refugees residing in Pakistan, which focused on moving away from a parallel health care system and to mainstream refugee health programmes with those of the national system.

Refugee Health – Time for Change