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CONCORDIA Social Projects

CONCORDIA Social Projects is an international aid organisation founded in 1991. All of the more than 100 projects – among them alternative care programmes, educational programmes, crisis centres, outreach work, emergency aid – take place in Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Kosovo and Austria to support children, young people and families in need.

As an organisation that cares for children and young people, CONCORDIA programmes focus on strengthening and respecting children ‘s rights, and support local authorities and communities in developing structures and services in order to facilitate independent and long-term development in the social and educational sectors.

CONCORDIA is operating in Ukraine’s neighbouring countries and has been able to provide support and protection for Ukrainian refugees from the very beginning, especially in Moldova. Long before international humanitarian organisations arrived, the staff and many volunteers from CONCORDIA Moldova were deployed at the border to provide humanitarian aid to the thousands who crossed the border in the first days of the war. CONCORDIA continues to offer accommodation and support for refugees in Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Austria.