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Follow-up: Starvation as a Method of Warfare – Is There a Silver Lining Somewhere?

Starvation as a Method of Warfare – As Old as War Itself, Outlawed but Deadly Popular and Creatively Used

We left this discussion in June last year with a lot of food for thought. Although as humanitarians we are crises-hardened none of us expected such a culmination of emergencies and conflicts in the months that followed and thus the increasing relevance of this particular topic we addressed then.

In his opinion piece in The Guardian on 31 January 2024 Prof Alex de Waal states:

“Never before Gaza have today’s humanitarian professionals seen such a high proportion of the population descend so rapidly towards catastrophe.”

Our follow-up questions for Prof De Waal are:

  • Is there a silver lining somewhere?
  • What steps are needed to repair IHL?

In this video contribution Prof De Waal reflects anew on the complexity and brutality of the man-made crises of hunger, its use as a weapon and where the silver lining can be found


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Prof Alex de Waal, Executive Director, World Peace Foundation, Tufts University